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HPC Walk-in Clinic Offers Open Office Hours

During the HPC Walk-in Clinic, students and faculty can get expert help on using the MERCED Cluster every Friday from 11:30 am - 1 pm

Are you interested in getting some expert help on using the MERCED Cluster or other HPC services? If so, please join us every Friday from 11:30am to 1:00pm. There, you can get advice on optimizing your code, parallelizing your computation, writing scripts to automate repetitive tasks such as data cleaning, or you can drop by to help others in a peer mentoring role.

Students and faculty can get help from experts every week during HPC Walk-in Clinics. If you are just starting out and need help with the basics or if you want some advice on scaling up and debugging your code to take full advantage of the MERCED or Pinnacles Cluster, you can join Research Computing staff and your peers for mentoring, advice and hands-on training. Walk-in Clinic happens every Friday from 11:30am - 1pm in the Arts & Computational Science (ACS) building 3rd floor Room 365. 

Starting 2021, office Hours are also hosted virtually and you can find the Zoom URL for office hours on cluster login page or documentation website.