RemoteLab is a collection of virtualized computing environments provided by the Office of Information Technology. These computing environments can be accessed through a web browser from off-campus. This service provides access to instructional software and high performance computing environments to those using a Mac or a PC through Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
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Windows Modeling and Windows Desktops have combined into one service and will be available 24/7 during the school year. The open access room SSM 152 is also available for in-person use weekdays from 8am to 10pm Monday to Thursday, as well as 8am to 8pm Fridays.
How to get started
RemoteLab FAQs
Who can access to RemoteLab services?
Anyone with a UCMNetID can access RemoteLab services
How do I connect to a computer?
Please refer to the “How to get started” section for more information
Does it require VPN?
The UC Merced VPN is not required to use RemoteLab services.
Is there a limit for the total number of users for Windows Desktops at the same time?
Windows Desktops supports up to 50 concurrent users.
How can I save my work?
Files will not be saved onto the RemoteLab computer once the session ends. UC Merced provides Box and OneDrive cloud storage for all students and faculty. It is recommended to upload your work to either of those services before closing your connection.
How long can I leave my RemoteLab session idle?
After 10 minutes, you will be automatically disconnected.
How do I access Classfiles from my personal computer?
You can find how to access Classfiles in the ServiceHub.
If I close the tab, can I recover my work?
Your session will stay on for 10 minutes after closing your browser tab, after the 10 minutes your session will be ended and unrecoverable.
Are there in person computer labs available on campus?
SSM 152 is open Mon-Thu from 8AM to 10PM and Fridays close early at 8PM. For more information on operating hours visit our computer labs page.
How do I access Adobe CC?
Adobe CC is available in-person on the workstations in SSM 152
How long can I use Windows Desktops?
One session is limited to 4 hours, inactive/idle sessions will be automatically disconnected after 15 minutes
Instead of using RemoteLab can’t I just download the software to my own laptop?
Certain software can be downloaded and installed for free on your personal device. To see a full list of available software visit our software list.
Can I use RemoteLab on my tablet?
RemoteLab access on tablets is possible but it is recommended to use a desktop computer
Who do I contact when I have a problem?
Computers are available for 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, except for Sunday mornings from 12:01 am to 6:00 am, in which the computing environments may be offline for updates or maintenance. For questions or issues, please reach out to Academic and Emerging Technologies through our AET Support Services.