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Canva logo: the word Canva in cursive

Canva is an online graphic design tool that allows anyone to create visual communication content without being a graphic designer. It can be used to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.


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How do I get support if I’m having issues with Canva?

If you are having issues accessing your account or logging in, please submit a ticket using “Report a Problem” on our IT Service Hub.

If you are experiencing bugs or functionality issues, please contact Canva support via their Troubleshooting portal.

Who can help me learn to use Canva?

Please see the Canva Help Center. Canva provides guides and videos for all Canva features.

If I already have a Canva account, can I transfer my designs to a UC Merced Canva account?

Please see Canva’s guide, “Copy designs or files to another team or account”.

Are there any UC Merced designs I can use?

Yes! The UC Merced Marketing Team has created several UC Merced designs, including flyers, posters, and presentations. They are available in Canva under our Brand Templates. Please visit the “Use brand templates” guide for how to access these.

What are workspaces?

Workspaces are a way of organizing and sharing Canva designs across very large groups. UC Merced has two primary workspaces: one for students, and one for faculty and staff.

What are groups?

Groups allow Canva users to easily share designs that they are working on together. They can be created things like for departments, classes, and projects. Canva users at UC Merced can create their own groups following this guide: Creating Groups in Canva.

Can I share designs outside of groups or workspaces?

Yes, designs can be shared with anyone, regardless of the license type, group, or workspace they are a part of. There are limitations to how those people can interact with the design you share. Please see “Share your Canva design and collaborate with anyone” for instructions and information on capabilities.

What do I do if I want to professionally print designs I’ve created (CanvaPrint service is disabled)?

If you wish to purchase professional printing for your Canva designs, you must use an approved campus vendor. If you'd like information on what vendors are approved, please reach out to CBS2 via the CBS2 - General Assistance Request. Once you are ready to purchase, please submit a CBS2 - General Purchasing Request.


How do students access Canva?

Students can access Canva by signing into the UC Merced Student Canvas Workspace with their UC Merced credentials. Canva is available to all UC Merced students at no cost.

Do graduate, extension, and part time students get access to Canva?

Yes, any active student at UC Merced has access to Canva.

What happens when I graduate or leave UC Merced?

Students lose access to Canva once they are no longer actively affiliated with UC Merced. We recommend students transfer their Canva designs to a personal Canva account before leaving UC Merced by following this Canva guide: “Copying designs or files before graduating” . Please note that there may be limitations on your designs if you are transferring them to a free Canva account.

Staff & Faculty

How do staff and faculty get access to Canva?

Staff and faculty purchasing will be coming shortly!

How much does a Canva license cost??

$94 per person per year. The Canva licenses run from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. When you purchase a Canva license, the cost will be prorated to cover the months left until June 30th. This price is discounted from Canva’s standard $120/year rate.

What do I do if I already pay for a Canva license, such as Canva for Teams?

Current Canva license holders have two options: 1. You can continue to use use your current licenses until their renewal date. At renewal, you will need to purchase a Canva license through our Canva License Request (coming soon). Alternatively, if you have a paid Canva license and would like to transfer your account to the UC Merced workspace, you purchase a Canva license through the Canva License Request(coming soon) and request a prorated refund of your current license.

How do Canva licenses renew?

UC Merced is working with UCOP on the renewals process. We'll put information here when we have it and will directly communicate to current license holders.

Data Security

What kind of data can be used on UC Merced’s Canva workspaces?

The UC-wide contract with Canva protects P1 and P2 data. Do not use P3 or P4 data on Canva. Please see: IT Policy Quick Reference Guide for information on protection levels and examples of data in each level to help you determine

Are Canva AI features such as Magic Write available?

Yes, these features are available to all UC Merced Canva users. As with any Canva use, do not put any P3 or P4 data. Please see Canva AI for more information on the AI tools in Canva and how to use them.

Why are many of the Share To services on Canva disabled?

For all platforms, IT reviews integrations to ensure data security, privacy, accessibility, and compliance meet UC Merced standards and legal requirements. We enable integrations when those standards and compliance are met. At this time, the Share To function is limited to Canva services, OneDrive, and Box.