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The Presence Student Engagement Platform will replace Campus Labs Engage/CatLife and is designed to simplify processes with Organization and Event & Form Management by bringing clubs & organizations, event processes, and forms online.  The Presence Student Engagement Platform delivers increased functionality: data/assessment, demonstrating co-curricular learning, providing virtual engagement opportunities, forms functionality, and a much-improved user experience, to name a few.


The goal of this project is to improve the campus student engagement platform and thus improve the student campus club experience.



  • Improved user experience
  • Reporting and data assessment
  • Cost Reduction & Risk Avoidance
  • Align with UC Merced's Cloud First Strategy


Current State

The current system is not readily available by the user community and does not provide reporting capabilities to make assessments and decisions that are data driven.  

Future State

The new system simplifies processes with Organization and Event & Form Management by making UC Merced clubs and organizations, event processes, and forms available online. In addition, the system improves both the management processes and student access to these services. It delivers increased functionality: data/assessment, demonstrate co-curricular learning, provide virtual engagement opportunities, forms functionality, and a much-improved user experience.


Dec. 2020


Jan. - June 2021  Planning
July - Sept. 2021


Sept. 2021  Training



Project Stakeholders include Office of Student Involvement.

Impacted users of the are:

  • Faculty Advisors
  • Students
  • Staff