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Cyberinfrastructure and Research Technologies (CIRT) provides training on Tools, such as GitHub and Jupyter. If you would like to use these tools in your research, please request a Research IT Consultation using the button below.

Blue Bar that says "Request Research IT Consultation"


To keep your research code safe, reproducible, ready for collaborations, citation (DOI) , and publication we can help you to efficiently use Git and GitHub and its features. You can access GitHub by clicking this link.

Logo of the application for "Jupyter" which is an orange circle with the "Jupyter" word in the middle with gray little circles surrounding the orange circle.


We can help you get started with Jupyter and Python, on your own machine or on the MERCED Cluster. You can opt-in to the MERCED cluster JupyterHub deployment and schedule a consultation with one of our local Jupyter and Python experts. Click here to visit the Jupyter homepage.

List of software provided on MERCED cluster.