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What is the Wide-Area Visualization Environment (WAVE) Lab?

The Wide Area Visualization Environment (WAVE) Lab is a 166 Megapixel 3D visualization cluster running common 3D visualization and immersive media platforms (CalVR, Unity 3D game engine, ParaView) for small-ground research support in Cyberarcheology, Global Arts, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, as well as engineering and other disciplines.

We also support a smaller but fully capable LibraryCAVE for teaching and learning. The LibraryCAVE is perfect for critical viewing of classroom and laboratory projects. The LibraryCAVE can be used for 2D or 3D viewing for groups of up to 15 people.

Watch a short video on the UC Merced WAVE

Download an information brochure

To learn more, please request a Research General Request/Consultation.

 Research General Request/Consultation